Dancing along the way
Don´t worry about tomorrow
If you locking back
At last everything will be alright
You are not alone
Dancing along the way
Enjoy the moment with me
Dancing along the way
Enjoy the moment with me
Don´t worry about tomorrow
You can miss the good now
Everything will be alright
Someone carry you
It´s gonna be okay
It´s gonna be alright
The strength of love
Everywere you go, your feet leaves footprints
At everything you touch, your fingers leaves impressions
I wan´t to give heartimpressions there I go
Love give strengh
Love unite
Love spreads like rings on water
Love get you warm cold winterdays
Love give strengh
Love don´t hide, it stay and fight
It don´t give up, before it reach the goal
It´s why it´s so strong, to lead you the whole way home
Love give hapiness, spreads rings on water
Bitterness destroy, love build up
God help me to always choose love
Copyright © 2024
- Minja Production.
All rights reserved.
When the mask falls down
We often judge the mask we see
please take a look behind it
the person like you need love and care
please take a look behind the mask
When the mask falls down
we are all beautiful
When the mask falls down
we are all unique
When you take a look behind the mask
you can see exciting things
A unique person formed of her history
but with needs like you
Free from playing the game
from act like you think other want you to be
Free and full of gifts
Free and full of life
When the mask falls down
Take care
I´ts much to discover
behind the mask
Surfing in the wave
With courage you catch the wave and go on through it
You surf in it until you see the light
With the look att the light, come on surf with me
Long white beaches, big waves facinating
Approach the beach with powerful sound
For someone it´s scaring, someone facinating
Long white beaches with powerful sound
Water full of life
I wanna catch every wave and go on through it
With the look at the light,
Wanna catch the wave with courage with the focus at the light